Move Well
Stay Well
Preventing Back Pain in the Workplace
A large portion of your life is spent at work, so it's important to make an effort to learn and maintain healthy habits that will help you to move well, stay well and prevent back pain in your workplace.
Prepare your body by warming up and doing correct stretches BEFORE you lift or carry objects.
Keep your feet wide apart.
Lower and lift using your hips and knees - not your back!
Maintain the natural curve of your back.
Avoid twisting - turn using your feet, not your spine.
Don't stay seated too long without support.
Stand up, stretch and walk around as regularly as you can.
If you work in an office ensure that your workstation and computer are correctly positioned.
Good support from your car seat will prevent back pain.
If you need lower back support use a lumbar cushion or trusted back support.
How can PhysioMax help?
Our physiotherapists are experts in human movement. They understand how your muscles, bones, joints and ligaments work and how injuries happen. Our Physiotherapists are able to provide you with preventative programs and treatment by:
Assessing muscle strength, flexibility, fitness and design an appropriate fitness program
Teaching you how to handle loads.
Showing you how to prevent injury in the future.
Treating muscle, joint and ligament injuries to assist with a quick successful recovery.
If your back hurts, don't just try to ignore it!
See a PHYSIOMAX Physiotherapist today.
122 Olsen Ave Arundel Qld 4214